Behind Omega 3’s: Sources, Supplements, & Benefits
Omega 3 fatty acids are comprised of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is found in many plants and plant oil, which are eaten frequently by Americans. EPA and DHA however, are more difficult to get sufficient dietary amounts in, and will be the focus of this article.
The best sources of naturally occurring Omega 3’s are found in salmon roe and cold water fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines. If you are not eating the above foods several times per week, you can take Omega 3 supplements that contain cod liver oil, fish oil, or algae if you are vegan.
Before you start supplementing though, you should get your Omega index checked. This is a test that checks the total percentage of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in your blood. For general health, an Omega 3 index of 5% is the lower limit of what is recommended. For maximal benefits, data is suggesting that an Omega index of 8-11% is ideal.
So how much are you supposed to take and which brand is best?? Each brand has different dosages and purity. I never recommend buying the cheapest one you can find at your local drug store. You can check almost all brands at Consumer Lab, which is an independent site that tests supplements. Ideally, you get your Omega index checked by a provider and start on a dosage that is medically appropriate for you. If you want to start before knowing your Omega index, 1-2 grams (total EPA and DHA) is generally seen as safe for most people. WiseMEDS has a great Ultra Omega that has been tested for absorption and efficacy.
Key Benefits of Omega 3’s Include:
Anxiety reduction - Omega 3’s have been shown to reduce anxiety by 20%
Alleviate depression - when taken in conjunction with antidepressant medication, Omega 3’s help to significantly reduce depressive symptoms
Reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s/Dementia - Omega 3’s help the brain to utilize glucose more efficiently, reducing the buildup of plaque in the brain that’s associated with these diseases.
Inflammation reduction - Supplementing with DHA and EPA increases anti-inflammatory blood levels, thus lowering overall inflammation throughout the body. Read more on inflammation in a past blog post here.
Lowering triglycerides - high dose Omega 3’s (4g per day) showed 25% reduction in cardiovascular related death by lowering triglycerides.
Cardiovascular disease prevention - without adequate Omega 3 consumption, lower levels of DHA and EPA have been associated with early onset coronary atherosclerosis.
Protecting lung health - early data of patients with COVID-19 has shown that Omega 3’s can reduce cytokine storm and lung injury in severe COVID-19 cases.
Brain development - Omega 3’s are crucial to brain development in utero and needed to maintain brain function during the aging process.
Please reach out to your provider for an Omega index blood test and supplement recommendation. Please do not start or stop any medications/supplements based on the above information without talking to your provider first.