Importance of A Medical Exam After A Car Accident

After a seemingly minor car accident, it’s common for patients to forego seeing their doctor and instead assume they are fine. This makes sense, as most people are simply relieved that the accident wasn’t more severe, and are thankful to have made it out relatively unscathed. The reality is that injuries from motor vehicle accidents (MVA’s) can take time to appear, often as a result of the adrenaline spike the body produces as part of its natural response to potential danger. The best course of action following an MVA is to be evaluated by a doctor shortly thereafter, both to protect your health and give you the opportunity to have your medical bills covered through the at-fault party’s car insurance.

Common Injuries After an MVA

Depending on the severity of the accident, some patients arrive to our clinic with minor cuts and bruises. The majority of MVA patients have latent injuries, meaning injuries that are not immediately apparent and may take time to fully develop. These include:

  • Whiplash (cervical neck pain)

  • Lower back (lumbar spine) sprains and strains

  • Headaches

  • Concussions

If you’ve been involved in a recent auto collision, we encourage you to schedule a visit with your primary care provider for a physical evaluation. For support addressing long-term injuries caused by a MVA, physical therapy can also be incredibly helpful to restore range of motion and improve your quality of life.


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