How You Can Be Allergy Free in 90 Days


After such a cold and winter, most Washingtonians are ready to welcome warmer weather. Unfortunately, springtime also marks the arrival of allergy season. For many, seasonal allergies can feel especially limiting, preventing them from going outside and enjoying all of the fun and beauty that this time of year has to offer. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way. SageMED can help you become allergy free in as little as 90 days!


Here at SageMED, we offer Allergy Easy drops. AllergyEasy is a type of immunotherapy which utilizes sublingual (under the tongue) drops. Like allergy shots, AllergyEasy delivers a small amount of allergens into your body, allowing your body to build up a natural immunity, but without the hassle or ongoing cost of weekly shots. Once prescribed by your doctor, AllergyEasy drops are mailed directly to you, and you use them in the convenience of your own home.

AllergyEasy drops have proven to be 83% effective, meaning that 83% of patients who choose to utilize AllergyEasy are completely free of allergies post-treatment. AllergyEasy is a safe, cost-effective treatment with proven results. Whether it’s you or a loved one who suffers from seasonal allergies, the doctors at SageMED can help.

Are you ready to start your journey to a happier, healthier you? Schedule online or via phone at (425) 679-6056 with one of our amazing primary care doctors today to say goodbye to allergies and hello to summer time!


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