The Link Between Caffeine & Anxiety


Have you experienced increased anxiety after caffeine consumption? If you have, you’re not alone. Many people rely on daily caffeine consumption to energize and fuel themselves for the day. For those prone to anxiety or depression, it turns out drinking caffeine regularly may exacerbate their symptoms.  

Caffeine s a stimulant, so by nature it increases brain and nervous system activity. This means increased circulation of neuro chemicals like cortisol (hence the alertness you get after drinking coffee), but it also increases the production of adrenaline, which can increase your heart rate. For those who already have anxiety, these chemical changes and increased heart rate can worsen anxious thoughts and feelings. 

A double-blind study of 24 participants found that regardless of whether individuals consumed 200mg of caffeine all at once or in multiple drinks over a few hours, caffeine increased alertness and and improved cognitive vigilance, but also increased anxiety (Brice, 2002). Many people can drink coffee (or build up a tolerance) so that they don’t experience the negative anxious effects of caffeine. For those who find that caffeine increases their anxiety, lowering your caffeine consumption or switching to a caffeine alternative like herbal tea are options worth exploring.


Brice, C.F., Smith, A.P. Effects of caffeine on mood and performance: a study of realistic consumption. Psychopharmacology164, 188–192 (2002).


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