Why It Feels Like Your Seasonal Allergies are Getting Worse
This year, many patients have shared with us that they feel like their seasonal allergies are getting worse. If you’ve felt this way, it’s assuredly not in your head - there are in fact several root causes for why seasonal allergies are worsening in urban areas.
The increase in pollen allergies in urban areas is linked to urban green spaces, which are created through city planners. One research article explored the primary causes of extensive environmental allergies in urban populations: low species biodiversity, the overabundance of certain species, and choosing primarily pollen-producing male plants (Carinano & Casres-Porcel, 2011). Low species biodiversity means that many of the plans established in urban areas are the same type of plant, which can lead to an overabundance of specific plant species. A concentration of so few plant types can result in an overabundance of pollen, triggering pollen allergies for residents. Here in Seattle, poplar trees are frequently used in green spaces (Carinano & Casres-Porcel, 2011). Poplar’s have been known to release significant amounts of pollen during the Spring, and can strongly contribute to seasonal pollen allergies. Compounding this releasing of pollen is the reality that many urban areas plant more male plants than female. Male plants produce pollen, so having primarily male plants in urban spaces ensures significant amounts of pollen will be released seasonally (Carinano & Casres-Porcel, 2011).
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you have options to help treat your allergies and manage the symptoms. Over the counter allergy medicines can help mitigate your symptoms, and immunotherapy, such as Allergy Easy sublingual drops, can help treat your allergies themselves.
Cariñanos, P., & Casares-Porcel, M. (2011). Urban Green zones and related pollen allergy: A review. some guidelines for designing spaces with low allergy impact. Landscape and Urban Planning, 101(3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.03.006